Saturday, June 9, 2007







Brahmin Qualities


  1. Charitable dispostion, sweet voice, [atoemce amd doscernment of right and wrong- thes tour natural qualities. One cannot learn them by training.
  2. Onw hos defect to oter class leaving one;s own, brings one's own downfall. Just lieke and immoral king perishes due to his own misdeeds.
  3. An elemphant is gigantic insize but a samall goad contols it. Is a goad heavier than an elephant? Alittle lamp destroys darnesss, is the lamp equal to darkness in volume? Lightening breaks up mountains? Is lightening asw big as a mountain? The fact what matters os the power of a thing has got, not the physicall size of it.
  4. When Kaliyug is ten tousand years old, the lord Vishnu goes back to His heavenly abode desertomg tje earth. five thousand years hence, river Ganga dries up and two thousand and five hundred years from that all the deities will. depart.
  5. A man tied to making both ends meet for the family has no time for learning, a meat -eater has no mercy, a greedy person knows know no truth and a person infatuated with a woman is not pious.
  6. Feeding milk and honey to the roots of a Neem tree does not make it shed bitterness. Similarly, good advice is wasted on an evil person.
  7. A container that contained wine does not become pure even after getting heated in fire and hundred times. Similarly ap pawrson's heart that contains evil does not become purified even after hundred pilgrimages.
  8. One who does not know the qualities of a thing insults it. Just lide a tribal woman who throws away Gajamukta pears and wears cheap beads.
  9. Thos who partake food with contentment ind silence, the enjoy the happiness of eternal heavens.
  10. Sex, anger greed, taste, preening, play, sleep and excess anything-these eight thing must be strictly avoided by a studen.
  11. One who eats fruits and edible roots from uncultivated land, one who is contnet with whatever, food nature provide, one who love the wild and one who pays diaily homage to departed ones, is the real saint.
  12. A true Brahmin iw he, who, eats one meal a day, does and conducts yagna, studies, teaches, gives charity, receives alms and makes love to his woman only she has her monthly period.
  13. A Bramin engaged in worldly pursuit, animal farming, business and cultivation is merely a trader. No Brahmin.
  14. A Brahmin who deals in lac products , oil, indigo, flower, honey, ghee and wind, is a Shudra lowely person.
  15. One who put hurdles in the way of other, one who is vaneful, selfish, deceitful, quarrelsome and sweeet tongued but wicked at heart, such Brahmin is a tomcat.
  16. Brahmin who destroys water spring, well, pond garden and temples is meanest per who is not fit to be called a Hindu.
  17. One steals deity's money (temple collections or property) guru's money, one who uses othr's wife and one who accepts offerings from all and sundry, such Brahmin is a scavenger.
  18. Fortunate people with souls, should not sit upon stored food grains and money earned. They should be charitable. The kings who were know for charifty are still remembered and praised. On the contarary, when hoey get destroyed for some rason the bees who stored, rub therir legs and lament they neithr used honey themselves nor gave it to others.







  1. A home where there is, all comforts, wise sons, sweet voiced wife, money enough to full-fill wishes, love for wife, obedience servants, hospitality for other's faith in Lord, sweets, cold water and good company for visiting noble souls, the life in such home is better than all other lives. The master of such home is very fortunate and pleased.
  2. One who donates the needed willingly to a troubled Brahimn will be receiver of limitless returns. O king, whatever one donates a Brahmin comes back multiplied many a times over to the donor.
  3. A man who generous to his own class, kind to other classes, wicket to the evil class, loving to the Noble class, vigilant against the wicked, polite to the learned class, brave face of enemies, tolerant to the seniors and crafty to the women, such skilled one is the redeemer of the world.
  4. Your both hands unaccustomed to charity, both ears unaccustomed to hearing religious chant,both legs unaccustomed to pilgrimage and, who live money earned by unjust means. On vane, O wolf in sheep's clothing end your despicable existence.
  5. Those whose faith is not in Lord Krishna, whose tongues don't lend their ears to hearing the delightful romantic story ho His life, they are condemnable. The beat of Maridangam says, " fie upon them, " fie upon them.
  6. In spring kareel tree does not blossom. Can spring be blamed? The sun gives light to all. Is the sun to blamed if owls don't see in daylight. If the rain drops don't fall in the beak of cuckoo, are clouds to be blamed.
  7. A good company can imbibe goodness in a bad person. But a good people in the company of bad do not soak badness. Earth soaks fragrance of a flower but a flower does not imbibe smell of earth.
  8. Beholding saintly people is as rewarding as pilgrimage. Pilgrimage rewards in due time but hearing to saintly people gives its rewards instantly.
  9. A Brahman asked some one" Brother who is the tallest in the city? An other Brahmin replied, " A grove of toddy trees" The questioner asked again " Who is the biggest giver here?" The other said, "Washer man" Every morning he takes clothes and gives them back in the evening. " the next question, " who is clever enough to steal anthers wife." The surprised Brahamin, " So friend, how do you survive here? The resident sighed, " Same way as worms survive in poison"
  10. Where Brahamin's feet are not washed, he is not respected. Where shlokas of vedas do not rant the air. yagna and worship is not performed, that home is like a cremation ground.
  11. The truth is my mother, knowledge is father, faith is my brother, peace is my wife and forgiveness is my son. These six are my close ones.
  12. The flesh is perishable, the wealth is ephemeral and the death is always near. So, earn the credit of good deeds. Only the deeds are of permanent value.
  13. An invitation gladdens a Brahmin like a green pasture brings a cow in a festive mood. Similarly happiness in a husband is celebration for a wife. But for a warrior war is the same thing. Battle is his essence of life.
  14. One who regards anthers wife as mother, others wealth as dust and treat every living being alike. He is true pundits.
  15. Sage Vashistha spoke to Ram " O Ram, ever readiness to defend the religiou, polite words, charitable disposition, frankness with friends, respect to teachers, seriousness of character, no shllowness, pious living, propensitity to imbibe good qualities, knowledge of scriptures and faith in God , all these qualities exist in you. That is why call you "man supreme".\
  16. O Lord Ram, Kalpa tree is wood, Sumeru is mountain, chintamani is a gem stone. The sun is too hot, the moon decreases, the God of sex is bodyless. Raja Bali is son of a demon and Kamdhenu is an animal. They are all best in relative sense. Who do i compare you with to describe your greatness exactly? I am lost for similies.
  17. Learn courtsey from princes, sweet talk from pandits, lies from gamblers and cunningness from women.
  18. One who spend without considerations, picks up quarells without allies and one who is beset with worries, perishes soon.
  19. A wise man should not worry for food. He should only meditate or study religion. The food is arranged for in birth like milk in the breasts of mothr when he was born.
  20. Happy is one who does not hesitate, in spending money, in eating food, in learning and in debate.
  21. A real wicked remains wicked till the end of his life. Like bitter pumpkin retains even in ripeness. it does not become sweet.






  1. A life of one moment, dioing good deeds is better than a long life of an age engaged in misdeeds.
  2. Do not repent for the past. Do not worry for the future. Concentrate on making maximum good use of the present.
  3. Good nature pleasesd deity, nobles and father. Good food pleases friends and brother. And a good talk pleases the scholars and the learned ones
  4. Ah! the geat ones have a strange nature. The money does not make them vane. In fact the weight of its makes them more gentle and kind.
  5. One who is infatuated, he is afraid. Infatuation is the cause of all miseries, the very root cause. Quit getting infatuated and be happy.
  6. One who takes precautions against probable problems without delay is always secure and happy. Those who procrastinate or think whatever will be, will be, willbe or we shall see. They perish.
  7. As the king is, so is the subject. The subjects of a noble king are noble, of wicked king wicked and sujects of medicore are medicore.
  8. A non religious person is living dead. A truly religious has a long life. No doubt about it.
  9. Religioon, riches, love and nirvana, a person not attaining any one of these four lives is useless life.
  10. Mean peole burn in fire of jealousy of the fame and fortune of the achievers. They criticise the achievers, because they themselves could not achieve it.
  11. One can attain Moksha only after expelling all worldly desires fom heart and mind. The carnal desires weave a web in which one remains trapped.
  12. The knowledge of the ultimate truth liberates one from thr vanityof physical existence. Whereever such person's mind goes he feeels his bodily existance there.
  13. Who gets fulfillment of al desires? Only god can who is all powerful. So, be content with with what you have.
  14. In in a hers of thousands of cows acalf seeks out its mother. Similarly deeds seek out the doer.
  15. A disorganized person is happy neither in society nor in wild. In socity he is ridicules by others and in the wild he is alone.
  16. It requires digging to get water out of ground. Similarly, service to guru gets a disciple knowledge out of him.
  17. Deeds determine the outcome. Knowledge is shaped by the deeds. Still the wise and prudent ones give due thought to before executing it.
  18. Be satisfied with your woman, food and income. Never be satesfied with learning, spiritual exercise and charity.
  19. A teacher who has imparted knowledge, be it ever a single word, he should be duly respected and paid obeisance to by the disciple. A disciple who does not do so shall take hundred births of dog and lastly that of scavenger.
  20. At the endof age, the great mount Sumeru moves, at the end of an eoan seven seas move, but noble souls do not m,ove away from their target.







1 comment:

Himanshu Gupta said...

Dear Sir

I will be thankful to you if you can send me all chanakya niti nd arthshastra in PDf format both in hindi and english format..

complete one..